Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Little Known Facts about Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

The Little Known Facts about Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

It might shock you to know that cutting carbs from your diet is more effective than cutting fats from your diet!

Since the 1970s we´ve been told that fat, in general, is detrimental to health and that it causes weight gain.

However, many studies show something very different.

One of these, but not the only one is the a Duke University Medical Center study found that a low carb diet resulted in an average of 11 pounds more lost in obese subjects versus the American Heart Association’s low-fat diet.

Some people will say that it´s logical to think that eating fats makes you fat. However, as Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, author of Diabetes Solution, says, "this is as scientifically logical as saying that eating tomatoes will turn you red!"

Over the past 20 or 30 years, people have been cutting fat from their diet and increasing their intake of carbohydrates and sugar. What has been the result? We see that obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is on the increase…

1/3 of US adults are obese and heart disease is the #1 killer of American men and women, and most of these deaths are attributed by the Centers For Disease Control to diet and exercise lifestyle choices.

Cutting carbohydrates from your diet is the best way that you can lose weight.

That is why the Ketogenic diet is proving to be one of the best ways to lose weight and keep the weight off.

The Ketogenic diet increases your intake of healthy vegetables, fats, meat, poultry, and dairy products while reducing your intake of insulin trigger carbohydrates and sugars.

Let our detailed and step-by-step course be your guide!

The Keto Masters Class provides surprising facts on how you can lose weight by reducing your carb intake.

It provides all you need to know about the negative impact of carbs on your weight as well as a detailed plan to get started with the Keto lifestyle today!

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